Grade 2 4x Barking Sky Tiger 3x Dancing Princess of the Night Sky 2x Peek-A-Boo 2x Card Dealer, Jacqueline Grade 3 4x Crimson Beast Tamer 2x Masked Magician, Harri 2x Miracle Pop, Eva Grade 4 4x Miracle of Luna Sqaure, Clifford 2x Ardor Dragon Master, Amanda 1x Miracle Element, Atmos 1x Snow Element, Blizza I know it's not competitive and the build also seems forced as if I'm trying to just make sure I use the new cards instead of fluidity, but I can't wait until December for the English release so I thought it would be fun to use for casuals and fights with my friends and family: I bought the Japanese Trial Deck and wanted to integrate them with my current Cracking Beast Tamer build. (RC): Generation Break 1 (This ability is active if you have one or more face up G units in total on your (VC) or G zone) Search your deck for up to one card named "Blaster Blade", and call it to rear-guard circle.So I can't hide my excitement for the new Pale Moon cards that are coming. (VC): If you have a card in your hearts with "Blaster" in its card name, this unit gets +3000/+1. If you do, all of your rear-guards with "Blaster" in its card name. (VC): When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. Next card: In reference to the orphaned request above, create a Granblue unit with Generation Break.

Harder than it would seem, because they're generally grade 3 and thus stride fodder as well. Persona blast support, since stride in general hurt them. : This card is also of all clans and nations.

(VC): Choose one of your hearts, search your deck for up to three cards with the same name as that card, bind them face-up, shuffle your deck, and the cards bound by this effect gain “: Reveal a card in your hand, and until end of turn, all cards with the same name as that card gain the name of this card.” (The cost of an without a cost is paid by declaring the play.) At the end of the turn, return it face up.) (When this cards Strides, it gains the power and name from one heart. Stride (Released when both players' vanguards are grade 3 or greater!)-Stride Step- Stride this card on your (VC) from face down.