Two days ago, I upgraded the program to the latest version and, during installation and without giving it much thought, I installed the application’s plugin system and a plugin called “ Document Monitor“. At that time, I did not have the necessary free time to experiment with the editor, so I had disabled the whole plugin system, just to be sure that my data would be safe. The suggested approach was to try to reproduce the issue, by enabling the plugins in turns. After checking their bug trackers and help forums on SourceForge for more information and hopefully for a solution to the problem, it was suggested that one of the plugins could be causing the freezing problem. I recall that there was a time that I had lost all of my open and unsaved documents due to an application freeze.

Soon I noticed signs that the application might not be as robust as expected, as I experienced random freezes quite often. Since there were no Windows ports of my favorite editors in Linux ( gedit on Fedora/CentOS), I decided to use Notepad++, an open-source source code editor and Notepad replacement, which is released as free-software. I use Microsoft Windows 7 RC on my main desktop computer since June 2009.